Hype Tips released

After about 2 years in the making, lots of blocked weekends, and nearly 6000 taken screenshots, Hype Tips finally opens its gates to the public.

Hype Tips, a fan page of the adventure game Hype - The Time Quest, has much to offer already. Among other things, you can interact with other fans of Hype by commenting on their uploads or by sending a private message. Furthermore, on the trivia page there are some aspects you may did not know before and also people who had never heard of Hype get lots of information on what the game is about.

Though, there is still much to do: The topic with top priority is a forum where people can compare notes on Hype and help each other out. I would also like to offer multi-language support on this site. Planned is a German translation, but I could think of a French version of Hype Tips too. For that reason a French native speaker with quite good English knowledge would be welcome to translate some of Hype Tips' pages. What is also left are a simple walkthrough and the revealing of magic spell and beehive locations. Due to huge time and effort that is needed for realizing these thoughts as well as the translations I will also need your support, the support of a community that should represent this website in the future.

I hope you like this site that probably gives you back the feeling of your childhood and I would welcome any donation that helps me to keep it alive.

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10/29/15 08:15:pm